

Clear our lenses

Thank you for clearing my lenses and adjusting my Eyes
Sometimes our ego’s and insecurities tell us inner Lies


Oh I appreciate breakfast as Well
Your ideas, our meeting, here I will Tell


No wonder any more where is GDS today
Thanks to you here is what I have to Say


Have you ever had minutes in a Poem
My artistic talents and poetry here will be Shown


Reach your Potential Reminders for Me
Capital investment helps me now See

Manhattan Times jpg. 2012

The Reach Your Potential model is here to Stay
Dire Needs, a solution, a model, plug in and Play

Assets, intellectual monetization and Fees
RYP, a skill set we have developed to See

GDS 15th Aniversary Celebration, ManhattanTimes 2003

Investment for 16 years of funds and Time
Hitting the wall was an important Sign

GDS buildout be the change

We had to curtail programming for the same reason that most Did
Proven success, leadership, infrastructure, transparency, nothing we Hid

GDS Resources for Children with Special Needs Letter of Endorsement
We made it through the fiscal crisis for our Teens
Youth and families need our program as much as it Seems

GDS Resources for Children with Speciual Needs

It is actually remarkable that we made it through June 2010 we made it in Full
With our full level of service others unfortunately other had to close down, Null

GDS Alumni Camp_Excel_is

Fall of 2010, the recession, eliminating staff and some programs,
it was a tough Force
Theo at the Helm, our volunteers and me
we ran the program without a Hitch of Course


Most had to cut back during the recession in 2008-2009.
Somehow we made and still did Shine


Our reputation speaks for itself check our Press
Re-load, re-vision, GDS is now better, not Less


New ponds we will seek from the family offices and More
New and old believers have heart and integrity at the Core


Wealth advisors and bankers we can find
No person who can help will be left behind

GDS uptown games

Honest, ethical, proven success, the positive the Gift of GDS
A prize, a love, a passion, not a monster Mess


The skill set we had developed over time, we evolved to Be
We now have the formula developed, to Reach your Potential, you See

Community Resources, the Collective our utilization of other we Increased
Recruited more volunteers and interns our help for our others never Ceased

From NYC to Westchester we are mission Ready
Camp Excel, Counseling slow and Steady

Camp photo 2009
Build your model and manuals we have Done
Use them and the light guided by the Sun

When you stop chasing the wrong things look Anew
You give the right things a chance to catch You


A sign like the story of the old and young Bull
We need to slow down and make our tank Full


gds armory tlc2

6 million dollars invested and people Power
No reason to upset, be proud don’t be Sour


GDS’ RYP Model will be marketed in a positive Light
Leave the baggage at the door regarding past Fight


No more negative with Lead
Advocate and plant the positive Seed
Extenuate the success and the Need


No need to focus on a past Mistake
They make a bad tasting Cake

Excel hill

The GDS elevator pitch and Dr. Gary Altheim’s Passion
Education level, experience in an Intellectual Fashion

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Don’t lose your validity by letting the past get in you Way
Do not cut off your legs before you have what to Say

bullet train

We can do it easy when it comes to a Teen
Apply the same in leading, as thousands have Seen

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Now do it as the Founder and E.D.
Stand tall, slow down, take a Knee

060508 stop train

We had to curtail programming for the same Reason
Mostly everyone had to cut back it was a bad Season


During the recession it was amazing that through 2008 thru 2009
It is actually remarkable that we made still made the program Shine

help others

A winter retreat, reunions and graduation in June 2010 we Had
The teens graduated that year and they were proud and Glad

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We maintained our full level of service open was still the Door
The clients were happy they had a CBO a home for Sure


Funding dried up with the economy and we still did our Thing
Groups and counseling the campers, the community still did Sing


A New level of service was established for Us
Right sized and we stayed on the Don’t Give up Bus

gds armory was evelyns office
Even though donors were struggling they still found a way
Through tough times, their loyalty to support our cause, what else can I Say


Yes we had to eliminate staff due to decrease funds and Monies
At the same time we increased our utilization to keep GDS Sunny


We deployed other community resources and recruited more Troops
Our development and counseling interns kept making the Excel Soup


We survived through tough times, evolved our model over the Past.
Our model will be branded and always help others it will long Last

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The GDS story and Dr. Gary Altheim’s passion will Succeed
Education level, intelligence, team leadership is what we Need

GDS Excel in sky

A gift to match a need will be marketed in a positive Light
Return to investment and then we have the vision in Sight


We have the solution to your Woes
GDS model the way out we Know


DOE, schools, contracts and CBO’s we can fulfill your Mission
Our RYP plug in and Play GDS we can help fulfill your Vision


For GDS and RYP the key now is Revenue to Time
Raise $, Perform our unique services and we will be Fine

Dear Friend of GDS 33

We have a huge asset and now we need it in the Market
Every human service agency will want in their lot to Park It

Past mistakes should teach you to create a wonderful future; not cause you to be afraid of It.
Adversity makes you stronger so don’t have a Fit


Conflict is good according to Mr. Parry’s Warriors Heart
Became insightful, follow the rules of engagement and we will not Part


by Dr. Gary Altheim
